Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rewind: Terra Firma

Hey everybody.....this is a slightly serious poem(it doesnt rhyme so wat - its calld poetic license ;)) that I have written.


Almighty was in the middle of Creating,
He was tired of rocky, barren terrains,
He decided to make such a world,
Where bubbling life would foam and froth,
Where blood will rush through pulsating veins,
Where the chirping of birds will fill the gloomy silence,
Where the colours of Nature will wash the Universe,
Where creatures will live and thrive,
God sat that day and made the Earth.

After millions of years a creature emerged,
On two majestic legs he walked about proud,
He soon made Science his slave,
And challenged God for what he gave,
As he was engulfed in the flames of his greed,
Man, as this creature was called,
Destroyed all that God created.

With choking flames and roaring guns,
With chemicals most poisonous,
Man rules the Earth & tramples all in his way,
Including trees and creatures innocent.
As Mother Earth cries in pain,
He pays no heed to her,
What will be in store for her in her grim future?

There is nothing I can DO,
But I can only SAY,
Save the Earth and keep our destruction at bay.

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