Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rewind: Aelin-uial

This is just another useless poem that I thought of in a span of 5 here goes nothing:(for the uninitiated Aelin-uial is a marshy confluence of the Aros in Sirion in Beleriand - a part of JRR Tolkien's imaginary world)

Aelin-uial: The Meres of the Twilight

Swimming in the Meres of the Twilight,
Oblivious to what's wrong and what's right,
Drowning into the depths without a fight,
Giving in to my burdens' supreme might,
Unable to see owing to my failing sight,
Yet I perceive an object bright,
Will it save me from my sorry plight?

PS:Pls note I AM NOT DEPRESSED or STRESSED...the poem just came to me, so here it is....I'll try to write better nxt time.
Till then,
Keep smiling ,

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