Tuesday, May 20, 2008

O shit!

This is, no matter what your perceptions are at the end of this article, a TRUE story.
It happened last semester. It was November I think, because one of the things of that night that I cannot forget is the cold. Probably just after our 2nd mid-sem exams we decided to have a movie night. We had a lappy, a pair of speakers, some packets of chips, cold drinks and an awesome movie - Requiem for a Dream(By the way this movie is seriously good, a must watch). A great movie later I was walking with Saketh down to his Hall. We ended up chatting for an hour and a half. By the time I walked back to my room it was around 3.30AM and freezing cold. As usual I was wearing my trademark bathroom chappals and my feet were numb with cold. In my wing I met Siddharth(popularly known by another name which happens to be sensitive content for this blog :D). I wished him good night and unlocked my room. Mind you unlocked(This is important for later). My roomie as usual wasn't in the room and was probably lying around in some seniors' room.

This is when the fun starts. Fun for you'll, not exactly for me. I was sleepily changing into a pair of pyjamas. While picking up the pyjamas from the bed, it brushed my leg and I felt something cold and wet on my skin. Surprised I looked for the culprit on the bed. My blanket was haphazardly spread with other miscellanea strewn around. For better results I lifted my blanket. Now I want you to guess, your wildest guess, as to what I found under that sheet.

It could have been anything. Absolutely anything. Lets see - could it have been some water that someone had dropped onto my bed? Ice cream? But no, lying smugly on my bed was........a lump of shit. No re, I am not talking about my roomie here, didn't I tell that my room was locked? No, I haven't misspelled it either, I am talking about s-h-i-t. Don't ask me how it came there either, how am I supposed to know that's what even I'm trying to find out!

Shocked and confused I went to Sid's room and knocked. He came out, not really in favour of this interruption of his plan to go to bed. "What?" "Umm...Sid there's shit on my bed." Words weren't exactly my strong point at that time. He looks at me incredulously,"This is not the right time for a practical joke." What else did I expect if I woke someone in the dead of the night with my pyjamas in my hand claiming there was shit in my room? "No man, seriously there is shit on my bed. Crap, potty, faeces..."I said just in case he had any doubts.

10 Minutes later half my wing was in my room, not helping me out, not giving me moral support - but clicking photographs. Sigh! It was cold and I was sleepy. I couldn't sleep till I had managed to get rid of it from my 2 blankets and bedspread. That night I put to test the famous tag line - "Surf Excel Hai Na!" I came to realise that having Surf Excel by your side wasn't exactly cause for celebration. I washed. I spent half an hour washing poop in freezing cold water. I ruled out being a dhobi as a prospective career option since I clearly wasn't good at it.

Finally at 5.30AM all the excitement had abated. I had done what was required of me. With regard to the origin of that lump of shit, my mind was too tired to think about it. I slept on my roomie's bed. It was only later that I found out that the previous day, sometime in the afternoon when my room-mate unlocked the door to get his notebook before a lecture(do not be fooled, he doesn't attend that often), was mildly surprised when a cat ran out of the room. Being late for the lecture(this is, however, true very often) he just grabbed his notebook and ran. We are accustomed to leaving our room doors open during the day and probably when my attention was on a particularly interesting GPL in the wing, the cat must've slipped in. I later unknowingly locked the room before going to class.

The only positive point I can glean from this is that in the entire room the scared cat found my bed the cosiest corner. No wonder I find it difficult to get up in the morning. It was an interesting episode this one. Made me realise I need to expect the unexpected sometimes. Like my marks ;). What do you mean that's pretty expected!!

Hehe......till literature drunk dials me ;)