Monday, November 17, 2008

All I Want Is You To Waste Your Time With Me

Two bands, two brilliant songs, awesome lyrics. Just had to show it to you guys.
All I Want Is You

You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want
Your story to remain untold

But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say youll give me
A highway with no one on it
Treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night

You say youll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you want
Your love to work out right
To last with me through the night

You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold

All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You...all I want is...
You...all I want is...
You...all I want is...


Don't want to be an actor pretending on the stage
Don't want to be a writer with my thoughts out on the page
Don't want to be a painter 'cause everyone comes to look
Don't want to be anything where my life's an open book

A dream, it's true. But I'd see it through,
If I could be wasting my time with you.

Don't want to be a farmer working in the sun
Don't want to be an outlaw always on the run
Don't want to be a climber reaching for the top
Don't want to be anything where I don't know when to stop

A dream, it's true. But I'd see it through,
If I could be wasting my time with you.

So if I'm inside your head,
Don't believe what you might have read
You'll see what I might have said, to hear it

Come waste your time with me
Come waste your time with me


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Big Question....



Kindly comment :D lol!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Parvaaz The Third

Check out the latest Parvaaz, the magazine of Hall 2, IIT Kanpur. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Doodle Dawdle

Exams are coming up, so obviously I have a lot of time on my hands ;). So I've decided to exhibit what I actually end up filling my notebooks with - meaningless doodles.

The cutting edge humour of today's youth...

...not particularly enjoyed by my creations

Splitting headache

Stuff of daydreams

Speak hands for me...

Reason for premature baldness in
the country

Osama lets the cat out of the bag

You, by now

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You know you are in IITK when...

Yes, yes. Very clichéd. But Ashish and I liked it. So here's a quick guide for all those who wonder......

You know you're in IITK when:
1] The single most used, most abused word that encapsulates life here is.......< *drumroll*>...... "frust". You are so frustrated with the length of the word frustrated because you use it so many frustrating times that you get frustrated and end up making a short form of the word so you don't get frustrated saying frustrated all the time. Wasn't that frustrating? :P

But seriously, here you are frust with acads, frust with mess food, frust with the profs, frust with your wingie for not returning your set square which you need in TA Lab and it's already 10:05 and you're gonna be late, frust with the dhobi banging on your door all the time(dhobi:bhaiya, kapde! me: kaun $^@*($#&), frust at the lack of the fairer sex, frust at the bad water supply when you finally decide to have a bath after a week, frust with the ^&%#ing peacocks waking you up in the morning, frust with all the thousand little things that you have to do to survive(bills, study notes, recharge, smelly clothes, pending assignments etc. etc. etc.).

2]A person who has a bath more than once a week is looked upon with amazement(Wasting water, the ^%$$&*^$!).

3]People either have really long hair or no hair at all(Either way, they look like dorks, so what the hell).

4]The most abused thing on campus are our alarm clocks that are inhumanly thrown/rattled in rage(STOP RINGING *$^$(&*) or just completely ignored. Here's what an IITian usually goes through in the morning:
At 7am
a. Alarm rings.
b. Ignore.
c. When the sound refuses to abate, press snooze.
d. Enjoy blissful sleep for the next 5 minutes.
e. Alarm rings again. Go back to b.
f. Continue steps a-e till it's 9:55am and you have to get up anyway because you have a lab that cannot be bunked sadly.
g. If by any chance, it's past 10, go back to sleep(I mean, aren't you a man of principles? You either attend on time or not at all).

5] There is no such thing as a 'routine'. Impulsiveness is the way of life. A trip to the library is very very very easily diverted to a trip to the canteen on seeing some friends(definition of friend: any familiar face is good enough). Dinner at 2am, sleep at 4am, breakfast at 11am, tennis/badminton/tt/cricket anytime. Notice the complete absence of studies.

6] One of the most common jokes you hear is about the 'male frustration coefficient': the ratio of peacocks to girls on campus which remains constant at about 117.12. Guys masquerading as girls online, making fake Orkut profiles to trick other guys is commonplace here. A guy may not get noticed even if he wins a ^$*$ing Nobel but a girl breaking her sandal is front page news.

7]The best place in the whole campus is the canteen. A place you go to at least thrice a day. The mess food is inedible to say the least with people choking on bones and rubbery rotis(what's for lunch in the mess today? rubber pani(some paneer gravy dish) and rock hard rotis that should be used in commercials of toothpastes{look how strong this toothpaste made our teeth, we can BITE this!}).<------Nice brackets rite?;) A trip to the canteen with an empty wallet doesn't mean you'll come out with an empty stomach, you have benevolent seniors and kind-hearted peers who HAVE made the mistake of bringing their wallets and they shall gladly finance your meal. Also an awesome excuse to stop studying during exams(I'm soooooooooooooo frust with acads. Canteen!).

8] Inter-college fests are a time when the entire campus undergoes a major face lift. Antaragni: four days when we see strange species otherwise extinct on campus. Female Bipedal primates belonging to the mammalian species Homo Sapiens, also referred to as nain sukh prapti or eye-candy. Freshers and seniors alike try their luck at "The Quest": To get a person of the fairer sex to talk to you. A successful conversation could be something like:

Guy looking glassy eyed and overwhelmed by the sheer tidal force of the beauty around him. Summoning courage, he walks up to a solitary ravishing female.

Glassy Eyed IITian: Ummmm, soooooo, excuse me.....

Pulchritudinous girl: Yeah?

GEI: Welllll(much to his chagrin, realizing that his otherwise reliable mental faculties are not responding here), are you enjoying Antaragni?

PG: It's good enough, I guess.

GEI: So....(looks left and right for inspiration)....(sees a hoarding for AIDS awareness)...AIDS huh? It would suck having that.

PG: (pretty abashed) What?

GEI: No I meant the shade, it's too sunny here, let's stand under AIDS, I mean the shade. (Sweat glands working in overdrive)

PG: Uh, actually I had to go and meet my college friends...

GEI: No wait, there was something else, uhhh well, your is really long and uhhh black.....

PG: OK......

GEI: No I mean really, it's so black, like black paint or shoe polish you know. It's like, long, black and straight. Did you dye it today?

PG: OK, I REALLY have to leave now. Uhhh, bye, I guess.

GEI: Sure, see you around...

PG:(mutters under her breath) I hope not, sheesh!

Did I say successful conversation? Yes, because at the end of the day, our GEI goes back and flaunts this conversation to his friends, with "minor" changes of course.....
Comments are welcome!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

O shit!

This is, no matter what your perceptions are at the end of this article, a TRUE story.
It happened last semester. It was November I think, because one of the things of that night that I cannot forget is the cold. Probably just after our 2nd mid-sem exams we decided to have a movie night. We had a lappy, a pair of speakers, some packets of chips, cold drinks and an awesome movie - Requiem for a Dream(By the way this movie is seriously good, a must watch). A great movie later I was walking with Saketh down to his Hall. We ended up chatting for an hour and a half. By the time I walked back to my room it was around 3.30AM and freezing cold. As usual I was wearing my trademark bathroom chappals and my feet were numb with cold. In my wing I met Siddharth(popularly known by another name which happens to be sensitive content for this blog :D). I wished him good night and unlocked my room. Mind you unlocked(This is important for later). My roomie as usual wasn't in the room and was probably lying around in some seniors' room.

This is when the fun starts. Fun for you'll, not exactly for me. I was sleepily changing into a pair of pyjamas. While picking up the pyjamas from the bed, it brushed my leg and I felt something cold and wet on my skin. Surprised I looked for the culprit on the bed. My blanket was haphazardly spread with other miscellanea strewn around. For better results I lifted my blanket. Now I want you to guess, your wildest guess, as to what I found under that sheet.

It could have been anything. Absolutely anything. Lets see - could it have been some water that someone had dropped onto my bed? Ice cream? But no, lying smugly on my bed was........a lump of shit. No re, I am not talking about my roomie here, didn't I tell that my room was locked? No, I haven't misspelled it either, I am talking about s-h-i-t. Don't ask me how it came there either, how am I supposed to know that's what even I'm trying to find out!

Shocked and confused I went to Sid's room and knocked. He came out, not really in favour of this interruption of his plan to go to bed. "What?" "Umm...Sid there's shit on my bed." Words weren't exactly my strong point at that time. He looks at me incredulously,"This is not the right time for a practical joke." What else did I expect if I woke someone in the dead of the night with my pyjamas in my hand claiming there was shit in my room? "No man, seriously there is shit on my bed. Crap, potty, faeces..."I said just in case he had any doubts.

10 Minutes later half my wing was in my room, not helping me out, not giving me moral support - but clicking photographs. Sigh! It was cold and I was sleepy. I couldn't sleep till I had managed to get rid of it from my 2 blankets and bedspread. That night I put to test the famous tag line - "Surf Excel Hai Na!" I came to realise that having Surf Excel by your side wasn't exactly cause for celebration. I washed. I spent half an hour washing poop in freezing cold water. I ruled out being a dhobi as a prospective career option since I clearly wasn't good at it.

Finally at 5.30AM all the excitement had abated. I had done what was required of me. With regard to the origin of that lump of shit, my mind was too tired to think about it. I slept on my roomie's bed. It was only later that I found out that the previous day, sometime in the afternoon when my room-mate unlocked the door to get his notebook before a lecture(do not be fooled, he doesn't attend that often), was mildly surprised when a cat ran out of the room. Being late for the lecture(this is, however, true very often) he just grabbed his notebook and ran. We are accustomed to leaving our room doors open during the day and probably when my attention was on a particularly interesting GPL in the wing, the cat must've slipped in. I later unknowingly locked the room before going to class.

The only positive point I can glean from this is that in the entire room the scared cat found my bed the cosiest corner. No wonder I find it difficult to get up in the morning. It was an interesting episode this one. Made me realise I need to expect the unexpected sometimes. Like my marks ;). What do you mean that's pretty expected!!

Hehe......till literature drunk dials me ;)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ode to my bipedeled friend

OK. This might give you an idea as to what might drive an individual to write such a bad poem. This was penned during a particularly boring physics tutorial. It happens to be about my bicycle. If you happen to notice any innuendo in the poem (as pointed out by my worthy friends), please note it is purely coincidental and was not what I had in mind when I was writing. If you don't, well that's better for me, isn't it?
Ode to My Bipedeled Friend

I still recall thy heavenly lustre,
And my heart did go aflutter,
When mine eyes beheld thee,
In all thy metallic glory.
Paths I was wont to trod,
I rode upon my steed, proud.
Thou hath always been beside me,
As I manoeuvred every turn in glee.
But now I am loathe to say,
That our eternal bond has begun to fray.
Thou art with problems fraught,
And thy trusty kickstand doth not,
Stand for thee any longer,
And thou plummet ere I walk yonder.
Thy iron links art bereft,
Of its enduring strength and deft.
Thy staunch armour for dust,
Now only receive their mirth.
When upon the boulevard thou hasten,
I am unable to show thee reason,
And bridle thy boisterous venture,
And find my life in grave danger.
Rickety, rusty, creaking, breaking,
Bereft of thy bell joyously tingling.
Curse the Gods doth I,
Whence They sent thee I cry,
But no matter how much thou might offend,
I shall always love thee - my Bipedeled Friend.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

For her...

Mist rolled in. The night was yet young. The moon shone brightly in the dark sky freckled with stars. The street was empty and devoid of any movement or activity. Somewhere in the distance a dog howled. A tall figure leaned on a streetlight - its features in shadows. His overcoat ruffled in a chill draft of air and he merely lowered his hat further.

There was a brief flare of light and smoke twirled languorously among the dust motes seen in the flickering light of the streetlamp. The man shifted on his feet and took a deep puff, welcoming the warmth. His shifting momentarily revealed a strong jawline and a prominent nose - the features that were almost as famous in the underworld circles as himself. The murder of the Governor, the industrialist by the harbour, and Spider Reilly the gangster...all works of this one man.

He stood across a villa, foreboding and forlorn. Cracked windows, a broken front door, weeds growing everywhere...There was an altogether ominous look about it - memories of a turbulent past, refusing to leave like the cold, dank air that hung about the walls.

His thoughts wandered back to that fateful night that had turned his life upside down. That night the villa wasn't deserted. There was a solitary lamp that glowed through a window. He had stood across the street in the same way. But murky clouds had blotted out the moon. A quick turn of his wrist - 1:05 AM. It was taking longer than he thought. While he waited he thought about Jennifer. A reluctant smile came to his face. It was for her that he was doing this last assignment. He wanted to stop this life of risk and danger. He wanted to settle down with her - the one he loved so truly. So this was his last big job for money. And after this a lifetime with Jennifer to look forward to.

2:00 AM. The time had come. He stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets and strode toward the house. Silhouettes moved around inside the room and deep voices floated out onto the street, "Ah, that's the river, mate. The time for the final showdown...our deal must work out today." The man on the street tensed like a tiger ready to spring on unsuspecting victims.

A deep rumble overhead. Like the low guttural of some phantasmal mythical beast up in the sky. Lightning forked across - the beast bared its fangs in a maniacal grin. Drops fell like icicles from the heavens. The drizzle soon turned into a downpour and the wind rose to a howl.
Rivulets of water flowed down the man's coat just like the blood pumping through the sinews of a hunter. Water was dripping from the brim of his hat.
When he stepped up to the door the warmth of the fireplace permeated through to where he stood. A thunderclap - the door lay hanging weakly on its hinges. The man held two Berettas in his hand. Six people, six bullets, three seconds. The guns were back into his coat before his victims dropped their cards and glasses.

A whisper of a movement behind him and he whipped around to find himself face to face with a pistol. Jennifer stood behind the gun. Her hands were trembling but her eyes were set in a cold hard stare. "I hate you Paul," she said. "I had loved you once. But you never did love me, did you? You were my everything. But what was I to you more than just another object in your life?" She laughed hoarsely. "Always the professional, aren't we? Wherever we go, the secrecy, the lies. You said we'll settle down, just you and me. But now I realise it's just another thread in the web of lies that your life has become." Her voice now became strained, as if she was choking back tears. "Sometimes I wonder if you even know yourself. Or even if there is the Paul whom I had loved waiting for me behind that web. But enough is enough. I've done my waiting. But I'm not the one leaving, Paul. You are."

With this she levelled the gun to his forehead. Paul hadn't reacted till now. But with a gun pointed to him instinct took over. With a flash he twisted her arm, the gun fell. Another swipe of his hand the gun was pointing to Jennifer's throat. Her face paled with fear but she put on a defiant expression. He pulled the trigger......

All these thoughts came crashing back to him now as he stood under the flickering streetlamp across the derelict villa. He felt nothing but a deep sorrow, a pain at the betrayal of his trust, languishing that his love was questioned so. He had answered. But the answer had cost him a part of his life, his love, Jennifer. Her beautiful soft eyes that had stared lifeless after she fell haunted him. A sense of emptiness overwhelmed him. He wiped away a tear.

The road was empty again, the sky clear as ever. There was nobody beneath the flickering streetlamp. But a cigarette stub lay on the pavement. And footsteps were heard fading into the shadows of the night....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Parvaaz: The Flight of Thoughts

Pavaaz is my Hall's magazine and I'm proud to have been a part of its second flight. Visit to peruse it. Comments and suggestions are welcome...

This is where you stop...

Hey all the ardent followers of my previous blog(whom am I kidding :P)....this is my new address. So mail all your brickbats to me HERE. This blog has all my previous articles and poems just to make sure you relive all the torture....Enjoy!!

Rewind: Chapter #71

Hey ppls...Me back this time with a collaborative piece of(what I think is) literature.This short story has actually been (in most part) written by my good friend Ashish(who's here with me in IITK).I just came by and screwed up his story actually....but he seems to like i sure do hope tht u guys do.....Its my first attempt at a proper short story...especially in this genre. Thank Ludlum, Coliin Forbes and all those thrillers that I've read for my inspiration. And please try to read the entire thing now that ur here already...
Chapter #71

The assassin removed the lock pick from the hole and pushed the door open. He stepped out onto the sprawling rooftop of the building. From here he would get a clear shot of his target. He went to the edge of the roof and found an ideal vantage point. He unpacked his suitcase and assembled his XL088 sniper rifle. Through the high telescopic zoom, he could get a clear shot of the stage some 10,000 yards away. He target would be arriving soon. The only thing left to do now was wait.

"Fuck you woman, are you fucking retarded? Who gets all the money in the house? Who gives you the green so you can go and buy the petty little things you want? ME! Take this! And this!" His father had come home drunk again. He was beating his Mom with his leather belt. The whipping sounds ran through his ears like icy cold shards. He would beat his Mom until her skin became raw white and bled. And then he would come and beat him. He would have been afraid had the whole charade not been so routine.

When his agency got the assignment to kill the Mafia drug lord from a rival gang, it was passed onto their most skilled and dangerous agent-him. He knew it would be one of his most challenging missions yet. Being at the top of the gangster hierarchy, the drug lord was obviously well guarded. But there was a much bigger problem in this case- identity. Nobody knew who he was. Nobody knew who was pulling the strings for the whole cartel. He loved such challenges. He lived for them. He would relish this kill.

Very soon, his mother committed suicide. In her note, she blamed her husband for the atrocities committed upon her and cited them as the reason for her death. Very soon after that, his father went behind bars. He was sent to a foster care home for boys whose parents were involved in crime.

They were taken to a large dark room in the basement by three of the guards. The guards unzipped their trousers. One of them said, "You three kids look thirsty." Another chuckled, "Why don't we give them something to drink then, huh? Enjoy it while you can kids...."

He was standing in front of a ramshackled building with tinted windows. He went round to the inconspicuous back door - he had been here before. The lady at the counter asked,"Ah Herr!Was kann ich fuer Sie tun?"He smiled wickedly and said, "The usual." He opened the door and stepped inside. She was lying there, hands tied to the bedpost, her flaming red hair running wild over her milky skin. He looked into her hazel eyes. The beast inside him was awakening. His carnal desire overpowered him. Her eyes widened as he unclasped his belt. He saw the fear in her eyes, the raw naked terror that surged through her. It turned him on even more. Just as the feel of guns did. He was reminded of the first time he held one is his hand.....

The assassin and three of his friends made a scheme to escape. One of them knew about a secret cache of guns hidden in the old warehouse. They sneaked out of the dining quarters at night and stole some .45 barretas. They would use it to shoot the padlocked exit. They formulated their scheme for escape at night. It would be done tomorrow. They would escape at the break of dawn before the guards checked their rooms. But their plan failed. One of the patrolling guards got whiff of their conversation. They were caught jumping over the perimeter fence in the morning. They ran. Ran as fast as they could to the exit. One of them shot the lock. It didn't budge. It would need more firepower. The guards were chasing them. One of them was almost upon them. The assassin did not want to be caught again. He wanted to escape from the abuse, from the nightmares. He aimed his gun and shot the running guard between the eyes. BAM! Blood was oozing all over his face. The guard crashed to his knees and fell flat on his face. His skull cracked and spinal fluid mixed with the blood which now had drenched his entire body.

And then something arcane happened. The assassin loved it. He loved the sensation of the gun in his hands firing a bullet. He loved the easiness with which he just took his tormentor's life. He loved the feeling of superiority, of domination. He targeted the other guards. By now, they had stopped running towards him. They were just standing still, away from them, telling him to drop the gun and escape without any more casualties. The assassin laughed to himself. How the hunter becomes the hunted. How he pleas when the tables are turned against him. But he would not show any mercy. BAM! The second guard fell, he caught him just above his left eye. Blood splattered on the wall. Bone splinters and brain tissue was now slowly being covered by the fiery red fluid. Now the third was alone. He looked at the assassin. In his eyes, the assassin could see raw, naked fear, the kind of fear one could only experience in the face of death. He could see those eyes begging for another chance. But the assassin already knew what he was going to do. He smiled. BAM!

The first thing he would have to do was to infiltrate the gang. From intel sources, he found out about a high profile gathering which was going to take place at the pier. The mayor was throwing a party to celebrate the economical progress made by the city in the past year. All the big players would be there. But the party was also the venue for a high-profile drug exchange between the Mafia and the Yakuza. His target would be there as well, though he would be invisible to his eyes. Getting an invitation for the the party was easy enough, he just asked for a favour from many of his high-placed friends for whom he had carried out hits before.

He carried out some reconnaissance work on the ship. But it was useless. The ring leaders, let alone the low breeds had no idea who their leader was. They simply called him Shina. All he could decipher was that there was one person who communicated to Shina directly, the capo. He would have to get to the leader through him. He could kidnap him now, and interrogate him about the leader's whereabouts later. But he would have to dispose of him later and that would make the other gangsters suspicious, most of all Shina. It would also be a messy approach, leading to unnecessary collateral damage. There was no reason to get him now. There was a much simpler way. He stealthily placed a transmitter under the bumper of the Capo's car.

With the transmitter in place, he could follow the Capo like a shadow. His plan was to follow his movements for a while, then strike him when he was most vulnerable. He followed the dot on the GPS screen for a couple of days, trying to chalk out his routine. But there was something suspicious about the places he was visiting. Suddenly it all made sense. He understood. He made a couple of phone calls. He had his man.

Though nobody worked with him closely- he could not afford any close contacts- the people who had communicated with him always felt terror at the chill in his voice. They all described him as a cold calculating killing machine, which was probably true. Circumstances had turned him into this. He enjoyed what he did, he liked being the harbinger of death for the high and mighty. It made him feel powerful. He had a habit of calling his kills 'chapters'. He had a book where he wrote down the details of all his hits chapter by chapter. He liked to think of his life as that book. He had a fetish for expanding it- adding one more page, one more chapter.

Shina was the mayor. He was there on the ship, making a speech about the developments made in the commerce sector in the past few months. But he was actually overseeing the whole deal. He could have killed him right there on the ship, he could have poisoned his food. But it didn't matter. He was here. The mayor would be delivering a speech to the public about a new trade reform in Central Square. He was half a block away, and many stories high. Through his lens, he had a view of the whole ceremony. He was waiting. Then the mayor came on stage. The adrenaline started pumping through his veins. This was the feeling he lived for. The same feeling he experienced when he shot the guards. It was like cocaine, only much better. He had to feel it again. He adjusted his scope and got the mayor's temple in his crosshair. He adjusted the stock, steadied his aim and took a deep breath.

Then he pulled the trigger.

In a moment, the mayor slumped to the floor like a rag doll. The stage became red with blood. The people panicked and started running. There was chaos everywhere. The mayor's bodyguards searched around for the killer. But it was futile. The assassin packed his weapon and left the roof without a trace, like a shadow. Another chapter had been written.

When in juvenile prison, he had no visitors. His parents were the only persons he knew. But one day someone had come to see him. An old man,

"Son, all I can say is that I am proud of what you did in the foster home. You stood up for yourself. You acted like a man. You are a born killer. You feel no remorse. You feel no pity. We need people like you. Join me; I'll get you out of here. You'll start a new life, one full of adventures. I have contacts in places the police can't even dream of reaching. So what's it going to be? Yes or no?"

The assassin looked at the old man. In his eyes he could see madness, the same kind of madness he felt with a gun in his hand, the kind of madness that absolute power brings. He smiled.

"Yes", he said.
Till literature decides to smile upon me again...

Rewind: Zzzz...

OK...This is another of my pathetic attempts at poetry. I really don't know why I wrote this in the first place, or even why I'm torturing my few readers by blogging it. Anyway here goes....

I return tired and spent,
Dragging along my leaden feet,
The burden of the day's problems,
Weighing upon my stooped back.

Head upon my downy pillow,
Sinking into the depths of its comfort,
Enveloped by the blanket of silence,
Rocked by the lullaby of aching limbs,

Tranquillity descends into bloodshot eyes,
Ragged breathing becomes slow & content,
A smile forms on my lips,
Peace pervades through my mind,
Lost in the throng of blissful dreams,
Soothed by the cool night air,
I sleep.........

Rewind: Midnight Beauty

The fathomless, inky black sky,
Gave forth pinpricks of light,
In myriad, splendid forms they lie,
Twinkling in and out of sight.

Into the vast realm of stars,
Rose the silver sickle bright,
His smooth surface marred,
And spilling his cool moonlight.

Some trees loom tall and dark,
Leaves rustling in the chilly wind,
While others stood gaunt and stark,
Branches in eerie shapes grinned.

A murmuring stream wandered by,
With waters mysterious and deep,
Meandering under the midnight sky,
When the entire world did sleep.

As I did this sight behold,
As Nature's beauty did unfold,
This mystic vision did I forsake,
Leaving an empty silence in my wake...

Rewind: Unnumbered Tears

The heavens my roof,
The earth my bed,
With leaves as my downy bedspread.

My ears are hollow,
My mouth a ghastly grin,
My mangled bones eroded and thin.

No veins throb,
No blood flows,
Yet bereaved am I of repose.

My heart is dust,
My hands are cold,
Yet clasped within - a locket of gold.

With holes for eyes,
But yet I See,
The memories of a past - full of glee.

Her enchanting smile,
Her beautiful face,
Her pure character and sensual grace.

My clothes are tattered,
My hair are wisps,
My beloved I call with wordless lips.

A darkness upon me does descend,
The wind howls above my grave today,
But all barriers does my love transcend,
'Coz I whisper her name even as I fade away...

Rewind: Aelin-uial

This is just another useless poem that I thought of in a span of 5 here goes nothing:(for the uninitiated Aelin-uial is a marshy confluence of the Aros in Sirion in Beleriand - a part of JRR Tolkien's imaginary world)

Aelin-uial: The Meres of the Twilight

Swimming in the Meres of the Twilight,
Oblivious to what's wrong and what's right,
Drowning into the depths without a fight,
Giving in to my burdens' supreme might,
Unable to see owing to my failing sight,
Yet I perceive an object bright,
Will it save me from my sorry plight?

PS:Pls note I AM NOT DEPRESSED or STRESSED...the poem just came to me, so here it is....I'll try to write better nxt time.
Till then,
Keep smiling ,

Rewind: Untitled

This poem is an outcome of my frustration due to my inability to solve my physics assignment. It is a very bad attempt at poetry....coz its probably just my 4th or 5th one. But, as my English prof. T. Ravichandran says,"...poetry should be the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions..."And this is truly that.....Hope u guys like it....if u dont, dont worry i'll keep writing anyway!!

Hands upon the balcony,
My eyes roved the night skies,
For a hint of epiphany,
Among the sea of eternal lies.

The heavens lay dark and still,
The wind sighed through my hair,
A tear dropped onto the sill,
But there was no respite to my despair.

Anguish pulsed through my veins,
Confusion obscured my vision,
Tenfold became all my pains,
I could not see any redemption.

Is this what life is then?
With reasons elusive to my grasp?
The wind sighed yet again...
My hands began to unclasp.

Frustration drove me to and fro,
Shadows flitted in the mist,
Soon my pacing began to slow,
And my doubts began to lift.

Life's all about illusions,
About mirages and mirrors,
We all labour under the delusion,
That in others lies the error.

We fail to look into ourselves,
'Coz oft within us are the fallacies,
We hope the problems will resolve themselves,
And wallow around in hypocrisy.

And so for me a new journey has begun,
There was a melancholy in the air...
The wind sighed yet again,
As it ran through my hair......

After writing this poem I still couldnt solve my assignment......but thts another story :P
Till then...

Rewind: Yeh Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan

Mumbai is the city of opposites - where poverty and opulence live next to each other, where happiness and sorrow can both be found, where kindness and cold indifference live harmoniously. Mumbai is the city of fulfilled dreams as well as shattered hopes. It is the city where the sweet scent of flowers and the aroma of home-made cooking intermingles with the stench of garbage and vehicular emissions to give the distinctive smell of this city. Ramshackle zhopadpattis share walls with new age skyscrapers. Chauffeur driven cars whizz past bullock carts.
You will find that Mumbai represents our entire country. South Indian idli-dosa stalls, Maharashtrian fisherwomen selling fresh fish, Bengali and Sindhi sweet shops, Punjabi dairy-farms.....the list goes on. You can find building watchmen enjoying a talk in Bhojpuri, domestic servants gossiping in Marathi, corporate big shots clinching deals in English and Hindi.Take a stroll in Matunga and you might overhear some of Rajnikant's latest movies being discussed in Tamil.
Agonisingly slow traffic jams are a daily affair here. Many have taken the 'Horn Ok Please' on the back of trucks very seriously and gladly oblige. If on a certain day you are miraculously blessed with a clear road.....the uneven and bumpy roads do not fail to give you a ride reminiscent of Essel World. If you prefer Water Kingdom, just come down to Mumbai during the monsoons and a walk on the road can give you your favourite aqua splash as cars zoom across over puddles. Flood prone areas can be used freely to prune one's swimming skills. And those who are hoping to apply to the Indian Army....the entire city is an big obstacle course. Cows have claimed many roads as their own and amble freely even in the wake of incoming traffic. There goes no day in the life of Mumbai when no road is dug.......newly tarred roads are dug up to lay telephone lines and later re-dug to put gas pipelines. So to avoid problems the MMRDA nowadays has stopped putting up temporary signs of "work in progress" - they have decided to cement it into the ground permanently.
I am not joking but literacy is a big problem in this city. Many people consider "Yahan par thookna sakth mana hai" to be an irresistable invitation to spit. A "stick no bills" sign cannot be seen due to the posters stuck over them. A "Do not throw garbage here" sign is inundated with a huge pile of garbage right there.
Optimism in times of great distress is one of the best qualities of Mumbaikars. I was once travelling by a packed Churchgate train. The stifling air inside made breathing also difficult and moving our arms in that sea of limbs was awarded by glowering stares and angry mutters. In the midst of all this there was a guy trying to lighten up the mood by playing a Himmesh song on his cellphone loudspeaker. Although the song was useless (obvio!!) people smiled despite their duress.
Despite all the bad stuff in this city.......the pain, the suffering, the stress, the crowds, the poverty.....Mumbai rocks!! And so do all its people.....and that is something I am sorely going to miss when I am at Kanpur. I had taken this city for granted and as I am about to leave I realise what an important place it has in my heart (sorry for becoming all senti n all but can't help it). So although I shall be in Kanpur for the better part of the next few heart shall always reside here in the city that I love so much.........kyunki "Yeh hai Mumbai meri Jaan!!"

Rewind: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

My rating: 2/5
In a single 2 words:very disappointing. But I have learnt a thing or two from films like this....trailers can very often be deceiving. I would like you to know that I was one of the many people counting down the days to the release of the last book as well as this movie. I also understand that being the thickest book among the Potter series the director had a difficult time putting in everything in a matter of 2.5 hrs. And I applaud him for his effort. Blame me for being too cynical and having too many expectations but you can't excuse Harry having a military haircut just because he is organising a rebellion. I know he looks toughened this way.......but I'm sorry it doesn't work.
Let me go from the start : 1. Dementors are creepy and scary looking creatures....they are NOT supposed to look as if they are wearing jute bags over their heads.
2. Mrs. Figg is hopelessly timid in her anger.
3. The depiction of Grimmauld place is very spooky....cobwebs n stuffed house elf heads galore....but I sorely missed Sirius' mum.(But well you can't have everything in life, can you )
4. Harry is supposed to shout and rant in his anger at Ron and Hermione. He should not sound as if he is talking about how bad this film has turned out to be.
5. Umbridge is amazing......hem-hem's n all!! Her irritating smile, high pitched voice and fluffy pink cardigan successfully manages to get you to hate her.
6. Ron doesn't get too much screen time and looks like Harry's mute bodyguard....Hermione does well.
7. Firstly Luna performs 'Levicorpus' - a spell that enters only in the Half Blood Prince, and secondly its a non-verbal spell. But otherwise Luna's dreamy voice and bulging eyes are well portrayed....her eccentricity should have been highlighted a bit more though.
8. I missed Harry's Quibbler interview.
9. This is for the first time a fight scene in a book has succeeded in impressing me more than the same in a movie. The film fails to bring out the action as well as the book.
11. Dumbledore does not fight with flashes and bangs and that's exactly what happens in the film when he's fighting Voldemort. But amazing graphics....
I can go on and on like is never-ending. In an nutshell you cannot understand the film if you haven't read the book, and if you have read the book although you'll understand the will hate it(atleast I did.......and so did 5 other ppl with who accompanied me). The movie fails to impress and awe.......but all the same the Minister of Magic atrium set is beautiful......n so are many other things if you must strain your mind in that direction(my mind refuses to come out with more examples).
In conclusion the only effect the movie has created is a feeling of loss (of money and time....if u r wondering). I might as well sit in a cosy corner of my house and reread the Order of the Phoenix. And I advise you the same.....So 3 cheers to JKR....
As J.W Eagan has rightly said, "Never judge a book by its movie."........and I beseech you to ignore the fact that the movie has released and just heap your expectations on the Deathly Hallows instead......and be rewarded handsomely.........

Keep smiling!!

P.S: Although I seem to be very angry with this film, I want the readers to note that I do realise the difficulties that arise when making a movie from a book......especially such a good one. The director has to deal effectively the plot without boring his audience. I have taken all that into account b4 attacking the movie thus. Its just that a film screen is a place where I expected atleast the action to come be as good as, if not better than what JKR has written........but I was sorely let down.....hence I have vented my spleen....hehe

Rewind: Sivaji - The Boss

My rating: 2.5/5
Firstly let me clear a few things.....I don't understand Tamil. But i have seen many Tamil films as a kid with my mom as a translator :P....i used to love Tamil i developed an interest for Tamil films as well. So I found myself at Aurora theatre standing with 2 friends who were seeing the movie for the 2nd and 3rd time respectively. My friend had agreed to be the translator for me....and the poor fellow did an amazing job. It was a weekday and the 3rd week of the film....yet there was a crowd milling about excitedly....and I thought that probably I was the only one seeing the film for the 1st time.
The inside of the theatre was bedecked with flags and stickers with Rajnikanth's photo. The hall was house full. The giant screen flickered to life and showed a trailer of Rajnikanth's new animated film, where old age and physics held no meaning........his animated counterpart flashed a sword in a complicated pattern to receive the clapping of the audience.......Sultan was the name of the film........I looked around....saw the crowd.......smiled to myself, realising I was in for a ride with the Sultan of Indian cinema.
As soon as the film started.......the entry of Rajnikanth was met with clapping, hooting, shouting and whistling. Rajni is as always - stylish & suave with his trademark cigarette flicking replaced by chewing gum. Every finger movement of his has a 'whoosh 'sound.....and the crowd ooh's and aah's as he delivers his trademark punchlines. Nimble even at this age Rajni gives a convincing performance as Sivaji, a rich foreign-return Indian whose dream of building a charitable hospital and university is thwarted by the vile Adiseshan - an industrialist with high political connections. When he becomes broke paying bribes.....and yet his dream is not achieved.......Sivaji takes a vow to end this corruption...and he then becomes Sivaji - The BOSS (Bachelor of Social Service). Replete with jokes and spoofs of Tamil movies and actors....a little knowledge of Tamil cinema (or a knowledgeable translator as was my case) can make the movie a better experience.
The heroine, Shreya Saran, is probably as old as Rajni's daughter but she does a good job as a demure damsel - traditional looking in one scene, stylish in the other. Vivek, as Rajni's mama and sidekick also plays his role well. But everyone's performance pales in the screen presence of Rajni. The numerous changes in his look, and with CGI to enhance his already outrageous stunts....Rajni takes the cake. The film has a nice simple story with no complications and which puts forth a strong message using Rajni's star power.
So all-in-all this film has everything - a superstar, action, stunts, romance, comedy, lavish sets....what more does one expect from a film. It's entertaining till the end and you will definately come out of the theatre a Rajni fan. As Shah Rukh Khan says, "Actors are like healers. In the turbulent darkness of a theatre, they give hope and joy to so many millions.......they touch lives."